Teacher qualities/Teacher strategies
Good teacher exercise (workshop)
Good teacher supplement
Our compiled list: A good teacher:
Teacher strategies
A good reading teacher:
What do we want? What are we aiming for? (our goals defined)
Motivation of students
We must not only teach how to read, but also why to read.
Choosing your materials well is probably the most important thing you can do; it will give students motivation to read whatever they want. Two ideas: Choose the kinds of things everyone likes (crime, pop, MJ, etc.), or, go to truly inspire them. What are they interested in? Who do they want to become? What part of themselves
would they like to develop?
Choosing topics
Choosing articles
Incorporating principles of Extensive Reading into classes
When you are tied to a textbook
When your students have an attitude about all reading
When your students have no patience for novels
Making Exercises / Assessment
Open-ended questions/what we strive for
rephrase reading; ensure understanding
develop active use of important vocabulary
Multiple choice questions/what we strive for
rephrase important ideas; increase reading load
no tricks; just develop straight reading skills
main ideas? make sure they are covered
Writing multiple-choice questions, Practical Assessment
Wiki People Exercise
These biographies have been copied from Wikipedia.
Make reading exercises out of them. We will put them on the Wiki people reader blog. Study the way we make multiple-choice exercises. Choose the people your students would like to read about.
Our wiki people exercises
*Feel free to continue this project or to join us. It is considered an ongoing project. The purpose is to not only collect as many of these as possible, but to be able to compare, and work on, exercises that accompany them, so that we get better at distilling interesting information from readings, presenting it in simple language, testing comprehension, provoking discussion, etc. At this blog, we will link to all and any others that you make and put on the web; the agreement is that any contributing teacher can print and use them.
Cloze/ Grammar Cloze
Cloze test home page
Luecky- create a cloze test
What goes wrong in assessment
Methods of cheating
Methods of doing well in assessment w/out reading
People who always get everything wrong
Putting quizzes on the web
Hot potatoes
CESL Reading Quizzes
Example reading & Quiz: Three Friends
Assessment links
Practical Assessment online
Student Skills (list from Mikulecky, below)
Context clues
Pronoun Reference
Using text organization
Using topic sentences
Previewing and predicting
Identifying genre
Identifying main topics and details
Stating the main idea
Drawing inferences
Reading critically
Reading faster
Adjusting reading rate
Word-attack skills
Lesson Plans
Lesson Resource page, CESL
funfonix, copyable lessons on phonics
phonics worksheets, about.com
other sources
Agendaweb, free exercises
Teachers' reading site, CESL
Extensive Reading materials page
Tom Robb's online Reading lab
ESL Reading site
Literacynet story archives (RealAudio versions)
Vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary: Why vocabulary is the most important consideration
Vocabulary (workshop handout)
The translation plateau: Problems as students reach higher levels
Translation Plateau, article
Lower level & upper level differences
Ways to teach/ways to test
Vocabulary Game (see blog post)
Vocabulary links
Voycabulary- allows you to link to any dictionary
ESL Study Hall-vocabulary
ITESL-J Vocab. links
Reading theory
Reading research: Conference handout
Extensive Reading Theory
Extensive Reading site
Presentations on Extensive Reading
Phonics vs. Whole language
Phonics vs. Whole language
Content-based vs. Skills-based
Content-based programs (workshop handout)
Components of reading skills
Identifying and handling LD
LD Online
What makes a good teacher, LD online
Blogs, Social Networking, and Chat
Reading in the new millenium, conf. handout
Using Blogs
Teaching Writing in Online Worlds (Weblogs)
Using Facebook, Twitter, Edmodo, Chat
Edmodo workshop (conference post)
Annotated bibliography: TESLEJ
Using Chat in the Writing Class (TESOL '09)
Being involved in the field
Electronic Village Online
Webheads online convergences
General links
TOPICS online magazine
News for You Online, now available only to subscribers
Vance Stevens' Reading site
Reading Matrix Journal
Farhady, H. and Fard, P.D. (2007). On the scalability of the components of the reading comprehension ability: A progress report. SCALAR 2007. Abstract online.
Folse, K. (2004). "Myths about Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary: What Recent Research Says." TESL Reporter 37 (2), 1-13.
Folse, K. (2004). "Limitation of Context Clues in Real-World Comprehension: A Case Study" Nexus: A Journal for Teachers in Development 7, 1.
Llinares, G., Leiva, B., Cartaya, N., & St. Louis, R. (2008, September). Acquisition of L2 vocabulary for effective reading: Testing teachers; classroom practice. The Reading Matrix, 8, 2. http://readingmatrix.com/journal.html.
Mikulecky, B. (2009, Mar./Apr.). Teaching Reading in a Second Language. ESL Magazine.
[ Tom Leverett's weblog ][ E-mail ]
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Reading strategies for teachers and students of the new millennium

Reading strategies for teachers and students in the new millennium
The following was written in preparation for a presentation in Arequipa, Peru in October of 2009, at the Universidad de Santa Maria. It appeared on the CESL website at http://cesl.siuc.edu/teachers/pd/rs.html, but was restored here in 2011. -Thomas Leverett, CESL, Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale IL USA 62901-4518.[ Workshop outline ][ Workshop weblog ][ Wiki people weblog ][ Edmodo ]
This workshop stresses clear elaboration of the tools and strategies ESL/EFL readers will need on their way to fluency, along with the conditions and environment that can make this possible; it then focuses on the tools and strategies teachers can use to make this possible and measure student progress. Ideally good teachers can use their time effectively to the best benefit of any group of students, while students know they also are using their time in ways that will most effectively teach them while encouraging their independence along with improving their reading skills.
The workshop reviews traditional strategies taught by teachers, and forms of assessment used to measure them; however, it stresses an approach based on student interest and involvement, and stresses the way readings and accompanying exercises and assessments appear to students in terms of what motivates them to read more, read faster, and read better. Given the new environment of instant access to internet and oversupply of sources, it helps both teachers and students evaluate what they find and helps both groups manage their involvement in the information age.
Farhady, H. and Fard, P.D. (2007). On the scalability of the components of the reading comprehension ability: A progress report. SCALAR 2007. Abstract online.
Folse, K. (2004). "Myths about Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary: What Recent Research Says." TESL Reporter 37 (2), 1-13.
Folse, K. (2004). "Limitation of Context Clues in Real-World Comprehension: A Case Study" Nexus: A Journal for Teachers in Development 7, 1.
Llinares, G., Leiva, B., Cartaya, N., & St. Louis, R. (2008, September). Acquisition of L2 vocabulary for effective reading: Testing teachers; classroom practice. The Reading Matrix, 8, 2. http://readingmatrix.com/journal.html.
Mikulecky, B. (2009, Mar./Apr.). Teaching Reading in a Second Language. ESL Magazine.
[ Tom Leverett's weblog ][ E-mail ]
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